Most of the content of this website was created during the AHRC funded Cultural Engagement Project "Exile Estates and Music Restitution: The Musical Legacy of Conductor/Composer Peter Gellhorn" in Spring and Summer 2016.
Royal College of Music
Cultural Engagement Fellow: Dr. Terence Curran
Project Supervisor: Norbert Meyn
Administrative Support: Emma Hewett, Alice Bennett
General Editor: Dr. Bruno Bower
Assistant Editors: Catherine Cheung, Lison Favard, Ray Leung, Piyawat Louilarpprasert, Tim Maryon, Randall Scotting
Archival research: Dr. Bruno Bower, Fiona Gibbs
Translator: Anna Cavaliero
Audio-Visual Team: RCM Studios, Danny Holland, Catherine Cheung
Web Editor: Catherine Cheung
Performers and Coaches: Alke Quartet, Tony Britten, Dr. Ingrid Pearson, Janet Hilton, Jakob Fichert, Eleanor Hodgkinson, Lucy Colquhoun, Christina Lawrie, Toby Young, Kathron Sturrock, Krysia Osostovicz, Ben Smith, Pharel Silaban, James Atkinson, Nicholas Morton, James Wafer, Katie Coventry, Louise Fuller, Christina Lawrie, Rebecca Watt, Eunsley Park, Maksim Stsura, Raphael Mouterde
International Centre for Suppressed Music
Prof. Erik Levi
Prof. Peter Tregear
Martin Anderson
Geraldine Auerbach
Jewish Music Institute
Gil Karpas
Jennifer Jankell
Special Thanks to:
Julia Aries, Archivist, Glyndebourne Productions Ltd.
For general enquiries please contact:
Mary Gellhorn:
If you would like to get in touch with the original project leader at the Royal College of Music, please contact Norbert Meyn:
Singing a Song in a Foreign Land
Here you can watch a trailer about the orinal 'Singing a Song in a Foreign Land' project at the Royal College of Music, 2012-2014.
Please visit the 'Singing a Song in a Foreign Land' online resource on the website of the Royal College of Music for up more to date information: